Health Coaching

health coaching

As a Master Certified Health Coach through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, I provide a wide range of services to help individuals achieve their wellness goals. My services include individual consultations, group detoxes for beginners, and more!

Specializing in Health Coaching for:

Adults & Seniors

  • Prevent disease and unhealthy aging
  • Boost energy levels and reduce stress
  • Sleep better and think sharper
  • Reduce pain and inflammation and increase vitality
  • Discover a personalized weight control plan that actually works!
  • Become fit, strong and flexible
  • Enjoy lower medical expenses

Science-Based Solutions

science-based solutions

You will receive credible, fact-based information, skills, and materials based on proven science.

Health Coaching Services


Individual Consultations

Discover how to listen to your bodies reactions to different foods to know what to avoid to feel better and reach your goals.


Pantry Makeovers

Cleaning out your pantry has never been this fun! During this interactive home consultation you and your family will learn how to read a nutrition label, which foods to consider replacing with healthier options, insightful cooking and shopping tips, and more!


Winter Detox

Early bird price through January 31st – $57 (after that $77)